Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Special Thing You Can Do
Something special I can do is build model cars that I get from people for special occasions. The way to do it is just follow the directions it gives you in the box. People should do this if you have nothing better to do when you're bored. I usually do this if I get bored if I get them for Christmas. I actually think these are fun to do.
Special Thing You Can Do
Something special I can do is build model cars that I get from people for special occasions. The way to do it is just follow the directions it gives you in the box. People should do this if you have nothing better to do when you're bored. I usually do this if I get bored if I get them for Christmas. I actually think these are fun to do.
Monday, December 9, 2013
New Technology
The new piece of technology I would want to have would have to be the new IPhone 5 or IPhone 5c. I would love to have this because of all the new cool features it has on it with IOS 7. With this I would use it for research papers or anything I would need to look up for homework assignments. It would make my life better by making homework assignments easier to accomplish. I would use the phone for fun and educational purposes for things such as homework assignments.
Monday, December 2, 2013
My Four Day Weekend
My four day weekend was pretty good especially on Thanksgiving because I ate lots of food such as: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and ham. I went to my uncles house on thanksgiving day, and my family an I went to the family Christian Centre to go swimming and play basketball with my brothers. Saturday I wen t to my grandpa's hou8se in Ohio to watch the Ohio State vs. Michigan game with all my family on my dad's side. Other than all that I got to sleep because I was so tired from all the stuff we did over the four day weekend. So over all my four day weekend was pretty good.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Thanksgiving means to me that we should be thankful for the things that we have in our lives like family or friends. For Thanksgiving I usually go to y families houses in Ohio or my aunt or uncles house in Tecumseh or Temperance Michigan. Special foods that I eat are obviously turkey, stuffing, potatoes and ham. There isn't really a tradition my family does for Thanksgiving every year other than celebrating it as a family. I'm not really sure why we celebrate Thanksgiving but I know it has something to do with Indians and the Pilgrims.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
What is your idea on a dull evening
My Idea on a dull evening would be a quite sort of dreary evening. Usually when it feels to you that the day is going by so slow. It could be when it is a rainy day and its really cloudy and your just so tired by the end of the day. It also could be when you are having a bad day at home or school and the day goes by slow. It also could be when you are really bored and having nothing to do.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Why is it important to be honest ?
There is always a time where you lie a little. It is always extra important to tell the truth especially when you are in trouble. I'm not really sure if I had to lie to get something I wanted. I think I lie at least three times a week or more I'm not really sure on that one either. I only lie to my peeps I have to. I do it just because I try to get out of trouble
Monday, November 4, 2013
My weekend
On Saturday I went to a bon-fire with my brother and his friends and the rest of that weekend I mostly watched movies with my family. I watched World War Z and I also watched the movies snitch and the Empire State witch were really funny. That's all I really did this weekend.
Monday, October 28, 2013
I'm not really sure if I am going trick-or-treating this year or not. Some people do not really care if they are too old to go trick-or-treating or not they just go for the candy probably, but I think its to old to go trick or treating when you are a teen or an adult. I honestly would rather go to Halloween parties because its usually to cold to go trick-or-treating. When I was in elementary my favorite Halloween costume was probably batman. The best candy to get while you are trick-or-treating is lemon heads because those are just my favorite. I don't really like carving pumpkins because its sometimes to messy, and I don't really plan on carving one this year.
Monday, October 14, 2013
I am perfect....Or am I ?
Well everybody isn't perfect but something that I really should change about myself, is how good my grades are because usually I get C's and sometimes my grades aren't at that level. I should change that thing because grades are really important, in school especially if your playing any sports. I will be a better person if I change my grades because I will have more success in school this year. The only people that know about my grades are me and my family and maybe a couple of friends. Grades are always, always important no matter what.
Monday, October 7, 2013
My faviorite sport
My favorite sport would probably have to be baseball. I like playing baseball because I like playing in the outfield waiting for a big hit to come to me so I can catch the ball and get the batter out. I also like playing baseball because Its fun to bat when its your turn even though I can't really hit that far. baseball is also fun because you can have fun with your friends. Its kind of fun to play in the wind because it looks like the baseball will go far but then the wind takes it back to the infield
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
Pepp Assembly
So I have survived another fall homecoming. It was the most wild it has ever been I think because of the 6th graders this year. They added on to all the noise that we usually make during the assemblies. I enjoyed it very much this year just like every other year. I think the best part was when the students did the relay races. I don't think there was a worst part of homecoming or the assembly. I didn't really want to participate because its was just to crazy. It would be cool if there was another teacher dance off so the sixth grade can see them dance since they didn't see them last time. I didn't really pay attention to the shirtless crew so I cant really comment on that.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
I hope the weather stays nice for school this week it's nice when it's in the like 70's
And the buckeye's one Saturday GO BUCKS !!!
And the buckeye's one Saturday GO BUCKS !!!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Spirit week

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